Home ESSENTIAL OILS Cleaning With Essential Oils

Cleaning With Essential Oils


Wednesday 10 August, 2016.All about cleaning with essential oils, essential oils for flea control, other essential oils uses in your home, and our best aromatherapy essential oils guide.

We love using essential oils and other natural ingredients to clean our home! We love the fact that it is “green”, smells fresh and clean and does the job as well as, and even better than chemical solvents.

Did you know that if you are trying to sell your house, a few drops of lemon essential oil or clary-sage will make viewers feel at ease and find that your home has a relaxed atmosphere.

Try our recipes for essential oil cleaning below and let us know what you think!


Buy your essential oils  here .

You can also be creative and set your own aroma style for your home. You can choose anti-viral essential oils or anti-bacterial oils during an illness, or mix oils to suit the season or time of the year.

Get Started

To get started using essential oils for cleaning, make yourself a multi-purpose surface cleaner, scrub, window cleaner and general freshener…

Blend a few drops of essential oil with one or other common household product like white vinegar, baking soda, liquid dishwashing soap or salt. Store in a plastic spray bottle or jar (for the scrub) and label. Use as you normally would, and enjoy the added fragrance of the essential oils. Make sure to recycle the plastic containers.

All-Purpose Surface Cleaners

  • Recipe 1A  mix of 1 part vinegar and 9 parts water will kill germs and clean just about any surface. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the water and you will have an antiseptic cleaner.
  • Recipe 2

    1 cup liquid washing soap
    6 cups water
    1/4 cup lemon juice
    Few drops each of lavender, tea tree and mint essential oil Mix the ingredients together in a bucket and use with a mop or clothed for a great surface cleaner.

Rose Scented Scrub

  • 1 cup baking soda
    1tablespoon salt
    A few drops  of rose geranium oil Blend ingredients together.
    Sprinkle on the area to be scoured, wet slightly and scrub.

Aromatic Carpet Freshener

  • 3/4 cup baking soda
    1/4 cup cornflower
    few drops lavender and rosemary essential oil

    Sprinkle this mix onto the carpet. leave overnight to absorb odors and dirt. Then vacuum.

Window/Glass Cleaner

  • 1/4 cup vinegar
    1 tablespoon cream of tartar
    few drops lemongrass Combine these ingredients in a spray bottle, spritz onto mirrors and windows and wipe dry. I like to add sparkle with a final polish with newspaper to add the finishing touch to cleaning with essential oils!

Air Fresheners

  • Quick Pot Pourri

    Fill pretty bowls with combinations of petals, dried leaves, seed, bark and citrus peels. Combine with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Add a fixative like orris or vetiver root to hold the fragrance.


  • Fill a spray bottle with distilled water (I use tap water if I do not have distilled water). Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils and give your room a quick spritz for a refreshing uplift. I find that  lavender,  chamomile and peppermint work well. A good way to enjoy cleaning with essential oils!

Essential Oils For Flea Control

  • If your dog is suffering from a bout of fleas, take an old steel brush and a piece of material the same size as the face of the brush. Use a piece of flannel or a piece of sheeting folded 3 x over.
  • Pull the material down over the teeth of the brush so that it lies about 20mm above the teeth.
  • Prepare a bowl of warm water and mix in 4 drops of cedar oil or pine oil and soak the brush in this.
  • Brush your dogs coat. This will disinfect the dog, condition the coat and collect the eggs in the brush.
  • Rinse the brush several times in the bowl of water with the essential oils. The book, The Fragrant Pharmacyhas more recipes for essential oil recipes for pets.

My best book on everything to do with essential oils is definitely

The Fragrant Pharmacy

Highly Recommended!


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