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HomeQUOTES AND SAYINGSGaelic Sayings and Irish Proverbs

Gaelic Sayings and Irish Proverbs

Friday 25 March, 2016.

Gaelic sayings, Irish proverbs and blessings, life quotes and sayings, uplifting sayings from Irish wisdom.

Many Irish proverbs and sayings originated in the Gaelic language, and have become common in the everyday usage of Irish people and their descendents.

Gaelic  proverbs are called seanfhocali, which means “old words.”

We hope you enjoy the Gaelic sayings we have selected for you!

Gaelic Sayings

“Ní thagann ciall roimh aois.”

Translation: Sense does not come before age.

“Coimhead fearg fhear na foighde.”

Translation: Beware of the anger of a patient man

“Go mbeire muid beo ar an am seo aris.”

Translation: May we be alive this time next year.

 “De reir a cheile a thogtar na caisleain.”

Translation: It takes time to build a castle.

 “Ni bhionn saoi gan locht.”

Translation: There’s no wise man without fault.

 “Ni neart go  cur le cheile.”

Translation: There is no strength without unity.

 “Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta.”

Translation: An open mouth often catches a closed fist.

 “Saol fada chugat.”

Translation: Long life to you.

 “Beagan agus a ra go maith.”

Translation: Say little, but say it well.

 “Is minic a bhris beal duine a shron.”

Translation: Many a time a man’s mouth broke his nose.

 “Ni thuigeann an seach an seang.”

Translation: The well fed person does not understand the hungry one.

 “Is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras.”

Translation: Hunger is a good sauce.

 “Mol an oige tiocfaidh siad.”

Translation: Praise the young and they will flourish.

 “Is fhearr fheuchainn na bhith san duil.”

Translation: It is better to try than to hope.

 “Nil aon tintean mar do thintean fein.”

Translation: There is no hearth like your own hearth.

 “Cha d’dhuin  doras nach d’fhosgail doras.”

Translation: No door closes without another opening.

 “Ni dhiolann dearmad fiacha.”

Translation: A debt is still unpaid even if forgotten.

And one of the wise Gaelic sayings…

 “Nuair a bhionn an t-ol istigh, bionn an chiall amuigh.”

Translation: When the drink is in, the sense is out.

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