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HomeQUOTES AND SAYINGSGratitude Prayer

Gratitude Prayer

Tuesday 05 April, 2016.

Beautiful gratitude prayer to inspire and motivate an attitude of gratitude.

Please read and enjoy this prayer of thankfulness. Feel the gratitude and enjoyment of all that makes your days worthwhile. An attitude of gratitude helps you feel better about the stress and strain of daily life.

Self-Healing Expressions offers a free e-course containing interfaith quotes, prayers and prayer vigils.

Gratitude Prayer

“I give thanks that I have risen again today and to the great rising of life itself …

As the sun brightens up the sky and earth, may my soul be bright with gratitude for all the good things in my life, may I be generous in sharing these with others.

I give thanks that I have risen again today and to the great rising of life itself …

As the trees, rivers, animals and everything sing their songs of life, may my soul sing the song of my heart, may I sing it gladly whether in joy or in sorrow,

and may it help me find humour and laughter in the day.I give thanks that I have risen again today and the great rising of life itself …

As the sun crosses the sky to where it will set in the west, may my soul proceed on its journey through life, may I keep the vision of my life ever before me, and may I have faith that my life has meaning.

I give thanks that I have risen again today and the great rising of life itself …

As everything in nature strives to live and survive, may my soul be strong in its struggles,
may I meet adversity with courage and hope.

I give thanks that I have risen again today and to the great rising of life itself …
As the earth spreads out from me to the horizon, may my soul expand to embrace it, may I speak the truth of the land, and take responsibility for my life.”

Written by Tom Wocan
Based on a nineteenth-century Scottish prayer.


A Healing Journey with the Aramaic Lord's Prayer: Reclaiming the Mysticism of Jesus through His Native Language

A Healing Journey with the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer by Neil Douglas-Klotz & Elizabeth A. Reed
This 20-lesson online course, guides you on a journey of healing with the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer. Available at Self-Healing Expressions. Innovative, interactive e-learning at it’s best! [Learn more]

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