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HomeARTICLES ON STRESSFind Inner Peace "Cultivate Your Inner Oasis" By Janet Nestor

Find Inner Peace “Cultivate Your Inner Oasis” By Janet Nestor

Friday 05 August, 2016.

Inner peace is what you seek.

Cultivate inner happiness and a strong core self with these simple thought exercises.

Reduce stress and anxiety with inner joy.

We are always looking for articles on stress that motivate and inspire us to take charge and live our lives the way that makes us most happy…

And this advice does just that!

The author explains how she compiled this list of “thoughts” which encourage inner happiness, inner peace and even reduce stress and anxiety…

“Inner Oasis is a term I coined ten or more years ago to help my clients and class participants create a lush, rich imagery of their core self. Our Inner Oasis is our soul-self, our inner wisdom, our inner peace and our innermost source of pure, unconditional love. It is ever replenishing, ever nurturing, ever there to support our journey and guide our life.

This article was originally written as part of a class I taught to help individuals cope with and recover from their stress and anxiety and develop inner peace.

The list, 20 Thoughts That Create Personal Power, contains Universal Truths that become powerful tools for personal growth, happiness, and wholeness.

Our thoughts, conscious and unconscious, and those originating from our Higher Self, fuel the direction and quality of our daily life and inner happiness. Thoughts really do determine who we are today and the contentment with our life tomorrow. They help create our personality characteristic, values and morals, contribute to the restfulness of our sleep, and help determine the amount of energy we have to earn a living, educate ourselves, take care of ourselves and our family, and enjoy our leisure time.

Our thoughts truly are the building blocks of our life!

While the list below may not be the total answer, it might be the beginning of positive change for many people.


  • Read through the list and try adding the ideas to your daily contemplation and meditation.
  • Share the list with friends and family.
  • Pin it on your mirror or on your closet door and read it every time you see it.
  • Write one or two thoughts on a piece of paper and stick them in your pocket to read several times each day.

Let the wisdom sink in and become part of you. Inner peace can be yours!


Catch the Flame: Ignite your Joy and Inner Peace

20 Thoughts That Create Personal Power


  1. I am responsible for myself and all that I experience.
  2. My thoughts determine who I am, therefore my positive thoughts create a positive life.
  3. My thoughts create my relationship with my past, my present and future, my self-worth, my choice of employment, my successes, my failures, and the quality of my relationships.
  4. Everyone has problems. Therefore, I am never alone in my experiences.
  5. All negative thoughts can be changed, and all positive thoughts can be maintained.
  6. My negative thoughts and feelings have no power other than the power I assign them. They are simply thoughts and feelings that are flexible and flowing if I allow them to be.
  7. I love and nurture my body, my mind and spirit.
  8. I welcome love and affection into my life.
  9. I give myself permission to enjoy and experience intimacy without guilt, shame, or fear.
  10. When I forgive myself or others, I am healing me and breaking the chain of negativity.
  11. All positive change begins with my acceptance of my current reality.
  12. I create and increase my personal power when I live a now focused life.
  13. Regular laughter increases the quality of my life and strengthens my immune system.
  14. I am powerless over all of YOUR actions.
  15. I invite people into my life who have time for me and who are free to love and care for me.
  16. I am worthy of the support and the love that I am given.
  17. I am responsible for my own emotional and physical safety, and I am willing to set healthy and loving boundaries that provide the safety I need.
  18. Loving me allows me the freedom to love you.
  19. Miracles are the norm and not the exception, and at least one miracle occurs in my life every day.
  20. I choose to view this day as the most wonderful day of my life.”


About the Author:
Janet Nestor, the Official Guide to Positive Psychology, is a holistic, licensed professional counselor, author, wife, mother and grandmother. Pathways to Wholeness, a mindfulness guide book, was published in 2010 and two more books are coming soon. Radiant Energies Balance: Nurturing Wellness Through Radical Self-Care is a self-help workbook that combines Energy Psychology, Mindfulness, Meditation and affirmations to create a positive vehicle for personal growth. The Spirit of Healing is a spiritual book rich in wisdom, love of self, love of life, positive psychology and several brand new energy healing techniques.

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending” Carl Bard


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