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HomeHERBS5 Medicinal Herbs Plants

5 Medicinal Herbs Plants

Medicinal Plants And Their Uses

Thursday 26 October, 2017.

All about medicinal herbs plants; medicinal plants and their uses; herbal remedies; herbs to add to your medicinal garden.

Medicinal plants and herbs make a wonderful addition to your garden…

In fact, if you have limited space, it makes sense to fill it with herbal remedies.

You can use your kitchen garden to ease and cure an array of different ailments. And it looks pretty!

Visit your local nursery and get planting…

And learn to enjoy the medicinal uses of plants.

Medicinal Herbs Plants

1. Bergamot

monarda didyma, bee balm or Oswego tea

Bergamot can be used as a tea for nausea or digestive problems. Use the leaves an an inhalant for coughs, colds, a tight chest or sinusitus. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy as a relaxant.

2. Cat Herb

ballota africana or kattekruie

Make a tea from this medicinal herbs fresh or dry leaves to treat coughs, colds, sore throats, flu and bronchitis. Try Margaret Roberts recipe for a cough syrup – she boils together brown sugar, cloves and lemon juice in water with a few sprigs of cat herb.

3. Wild Dagga

leonotis leonurus

This indigenious South African plant is used in traditional medicine to ease headaches, coughc, fevers, dysentry and many other uncomfortable complaints. It is also said to scare away snakes and to heal snake bites.

4. Echinacea Purpurea


Increase the level of your immune system with this medicinal herb. It stimulates the white blood cells which fight off viruses and bacteria that lead to illness and infection. It is used internally to treat repiratory tract infections like colds, and externally for skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It is probably easier to use commercial tablets than making your own.


5. Pennywort

Centella asiatic

This herbal plant is also known as gotu kola and is said to rejuvenate and re-energize the body, reduce inflammation, soothe irritated skin, boost the immune system and reduce high blood pressure.

Source: Margaret Roberts’ A- Z of Herbs


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Start planning your medicinal herbs plants garden today and feel everyday living better.


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