Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeSTRESS AND SLEEPSigns Of Sleep Deprivation

Signs Of Sleep Deprivation

Signs of sleep deprivation are fatigue, depression, weight change, and more. Are you getting enough sleep?

Many people don’t recognize these signs of lack of sleep and fail to take notice of the subtle symptoms.

In fact, time spent sleeping is often the best way to recover from illness or cope with stress

A general inability to cope and a feeling of irritability and grumpiness can be one of the signs of sleep deprivation…

Not getting enough sleep can have a definite impact on your life…

I don’t know about you, but I cannot manage stress and do a normal day when I have had a disturbed sleep.

Do you understand the language of your heart and soul?

Dreams for Healing, a Self-Healing Expressions email course by author Laura V. Hyde, guides you to tap into the messages of your nighttime dreams for healing and well being.

“Since taking Laura’s dream course, I’ve learned how to work with my dreams as never before. Doing so has opened up a whole new world for me.” ~ John G., Reiki Master, New York

Signs Of Sleep Deprivation

  • Fatigue and Overall Drowsiness

    You may feel tired during the day, which could ultimately affect your physical and mental health. If restorative sleep is lacking, you are not recharging properly for the next day, and the problem is that your ‘sleep debt’ builds up.

    Don’t overlook the obvious – one of the most common signs of sleep deprivation is fatigue. It means you are getting too little sleep…
  • Weight Change

    Weight gain, in particular, can be one of the signs of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can result in an imbalance in your hormone levels and, as a result, some of your psychological processes – such as appetite – also change. Specifically, there are two hormones that affect the appetite, leptin and ghrelin, whose delicate balance is upset when you do not get enough sleep. That prompts you to eat even when you are full. One of the benefits of quality sleep is that your hormone levels stay regulated.

  • Depression, Irritability, and Impatience

    Mood swings and emotional outbursts or breakdowns are signs of sleep deprivation. Sometimes we may even fail to see how our mood swings and emotional outbursts or breakdowns are linked to sleep, choosing to assign the blame elsewhere and focusing attention away from the real cause: a lack of sleep. Irritable people are more sensitive to input from other people and the environment. Someone who is irritable will react more heavily to stress, negative comments, or arguments…Do you often feel irritable? Maybe you need a good night’s sleep! Over time, lack of sleep can play a paramount role in the development of depression… Fatigue and lack of energy makes it difficult to complete your tasks. This leads to frustration and a feeling of inadequacy which can develop into depression.

  • Slow Reaction Times

    When you are sleep deprived, your brain is essentially too tired to process the information it is receiving effectively. The information eventually gets through, but the processing takes longer than when you are not sleep deprived. You must have noticed your slower reaction times when in traffic… Although you might see a car in front of you running a red light, it takes some time until you gather yourself and step on the breaks. Slowed reflexes (and thus reaction time) are probably the most dangerous signs of sleep deprivation. Even a little sleep deprivation can still cause a measurable decrease in reaction time, which can prove to be fatal when driving.

  • Heart Disease and Hypertension

    People who sleep less than five hours per night have approximately a 40 percent higher rate of heart attack than people who get eight hours of shut-eye. When deprived of sleep, the sympathetic nervous system becomes activated and this causes blood vessels to constrict, and blood pressure to go up. This may be one of the links between heart disease and sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation has also been linked to a compromised regulation of blood sugar. When you don’t get enough sleep, you actually require more insulin to maintain a healthy blood sugar level…And higher insulin levels and inadequate blood sugar regulation are large contributors the development of vascular disease, which in turn can result in heart disease.


Sleep deprivation can have a serious effect on your day-to-day functioning and mood, and on your ability to cope with stress!


The dangers of sleep deprivation to one’s physical and emotional well-being can range from anger and slurred speech to a slow breakdown of the body’s immune system.

Lack of sleep makes you susceptible to injury, the common cold, and more…

Do you recognize any of the signs of sleep deprivation in yourself?
Do something about it!

To learn how to get a good night’s sleep – Click here

Are you getting enough sleep? Scroll down and do our ‘sleep test’

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