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Home"HOW-TO" Lists10 Best How To Lower Cholesterol Diet Tips

10 Best How To Lower Cholesterol Diet Tips

Friday 25 March, 2016.

Do you know how to lower cholesterol through healthy eating?

Would you love to know simple ways for lowering cholesterol through everyday small changes to your diet?

Check out our list of 10 best ways to lower cholesterol and get started…

10 Best How To Lower Cholesterol Diet Tips

  1. Boost your whole grain intake. Replace refined grain products like white rice and pasta with foods like brown rice, 100% whole grain bread, rolled oats and whole wheat pasta. Or be adventurous and try unusual grains like millet or buckwheat.
  2. Instead of thickening soups and stews with butter, flour or cream, puree some of the broth and vegetables in the blender and add evaporated non-fat milk or tofu and add back to the soup for a low-fat creamy soup.
  3. When sautéing food or pan-frying food, instead of using butter, spray your pan with unsaturated fat pan spray. You can also try sautéing food in broth, wine, vegetable juice by themselves or mixed with a little lemon, lime or orange juice.
  4. In baking, instead of using all the fat called for by the recipe, replace at least half of the fat with applesauce, plain yoghurt or baby food peaches.
  5. Make friends with nuts – the food kind! Look for walnuts mainly but also try almonds, macadamia nuts, cashews, and pecans. Nuts are high in large amounts of polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats which help to lower cholesterol. Also, use natural peanut butter instead of the normal kind which contains unhealthy trans fats.
  6. Replace ground beef in your recipes with ground turkey breast or soya mince. Ground turkey breast is almost fat free and soya is a source of healthy plant-based protein alternative.
  7. If you are a lover of ice cream, try the fat-free versions or frozen yogurt. Even better, have a smaller portion of frozen yogurt topped with fresh berries.
  8. Make sure you have some protein for breakfast to keep you going strong. If you usually have just toast or fruit, add a serving of yogurt or cottage cheese. Or have an egg-white omelette; a protein shake or some oatmeal cooked in non-fat milk.
  9. Loose the deli meats on your sandwiches. Rather boost your fish intake by using tuna or salmon on your sandwiches. And add mashed avocado for a healthy sandwich spread.
  10. Reduce your salt intake by using herbs to flavour your meals, and avoiding salty snack foods, pickles, cured meats, and cheeses. This is so crucial in how to lower cholesterol.

Knowing how to lower cholesterol – and then doing it – can be a huge step in decreasing your risks of health complications like heart disease.

Go from How To Lower Cholesterol to Natural Home Remedies


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