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HomeMEDITATIONMeditation For Anxiety

Meditation For Anxiety

Friday 05 August, 2016.

Meditation for anxiety, meditation to relieve stress and anxiety. Gain perspective, and experience the benefits of meditation with thisĀ simple meditation script.

This meditation, known as theĀ “railway tunnel”, is particularly helpful in leaving troubles behind – a true meditation for anxiety!

It can be very effective after the break-up of a relationship, loss of a job or any other major changes that cause stress in your life.

Relax your body and mind. Focus your intention and forget the past with this meditation for anxiety.



Meditation For Anxiety

Imagine yourself strolling along a straight flat path. It is a dull, cloudy, drizzly day. The path is leading between two high banks. There is damp grass beneath your feet, and you can see the cloudy sky above.

You feel the weight of a heavy back pack on your shoulders, making your steps heavy and slow, and you seem to be looking at the ground in front of you as you trudge along.

You feel damp and cold.

You glance up and notice the entrance to an old railway tunnel: this must be a disused railway line.

As you look, you can see a point of light at the other end of the tunnel, so it cannot be too long


meditation for anxiety


As you approach the entrance, the tunnel seems very dark, but the floor feels even and it is easy to walk along.

As you do so, all those old doubts about yourself begin to surface…

You are aware of your failings, regrets, missed opportunities…

Just let them all come gently to the surface of your mind.

The backpack is getting a little lighter as these regrets and doubts surface, gently and easily…

You keep walking and notice a pool of light on the floor ahead…

There must be an airshaft there.

As you go through the pool of light, you suddenly remember a happy time when someone really enjoyed your company…

A time when you felt really good about being you.

As you move into the darkness again, you feel lighter still…

The backpack is emptying.

The circle of light at the end of the tunnel is growing…

But here is another airshaft, with light penetrating the gloom.

Again, as you pass through that light, another good memory of being appreciated for who you are, being praised or complimented, comes back into your mind.

Now you are back in the gloom…

But it doesn’t seem as intense as before.

It is getting lighter and warmer with each step…

And you experience more good memories of those who have loved you and happy events…

As you near the end of the tunnel, you notice that the sun must be shining…

And you feel so much lighter…

As if you have lost that backpack altogether.

A pleasant warmth begins to replace any traces of damp and cold that you felt before.

Eventually, you step out into the bright sunshine with a light tread valuing yourself and the world much more.


meditation for stress reliefYou realise you have so many opportunities waiting for you…

And new chances to do things that make you feel good about yourself, building upon those positive events of the past.

Your contribution is important.

You are a valuable human being.


More Useful Information

If you have enjoyed our meditation for anxiety and found it helpful, you may like to look at the following pages for more information on how to personalize and get creative with your mediation practice and anxiety control:


You can learn to control your anxiety – and your life is worth living well!

Daily meditation meansĀ better living every day



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