Sunday, September 8, 2024


Sunday 15 September, 2019.

Keeping a Stress Diary for one week is an excellent way to identify your stress triggers!

And identifying what triggers stress in you is the first step to doing something about it.

We all respond to stress differently – your genes, personality and life experiences all influence how you respond. Situations and events that are distressing for most people might not bother you in the least. Or, you may be particularly sensitive to even minor stressors.

Some causes of stress are obvious — job loss, the death of a loved one, a divorce. But small, daily irritations and demands such as traffic or trouble finding childcare also contribute to your stress level. Over time, small, persistent stressors can be more damaging than sudden, devastating events.

Keep a Stress Diary!

For one week, write down which events and situations cause a negative physical, mental or emotional response. You can do this in a notebook or print the free 7 Day Stress Diary at the end of this page. If you prefer to keep your notes on your PC, download your free electronic version.

Make a note of

  • The day and time.
  • Add a few words describing the event. Guess if you are not sure. Note where you were, who was involved…
  • Then rate the level of stress on a scale of 1 (not very intense)- 10 (very intense).
  • Describe your reaction
  • And then what you did as coping response.

Here is an example of what my stress diary looks like…


    • Study your notes to learn how often you are feeling stressed and how you are coping. See if you can recognize any patterns – particular times of the day, certain people, a situation that repeats itself…The more notes you take, the more you can learn about your stress patterns. Keeping the journal for 1 to 2 weeks is best, although taking notes for even 1 or 2 days can be helpful.
    • Ask yourself which ways of coping with stress work best for you and which don’t work or maybe have other effects that you do not like.

It is a useful exercise to make a list of all the demands on your time and energy for one week. Some examples may include your job, volunteer work, organising kids activities, or caring for an elderly parent. Then, on a scale of 1 (not very intense) to 10 (very intense), rate the intensity of stress that each demand causes.

Pay particular attention to events that you rated very stressful. Select one of the situations to work on and decide on a problem-solving technique. One of the biggest causes of stress and anxiety is a feeling of not being in control. Once YOU take control of your stress, it lessens the effect.

Click here to print your 7 Day Stress Diary

Download your electronic stress diary

I really recommend that you take your time and look at the relaxation techniques and other DIY Stress Relief tips on this site.

You can control how stress affects your health and be more calm, controlled and balanced. It is worth a bit of time and effort everyday. And it is FUN!!

Please Contact Us if you want to share your major stress triggers and discuss a stress relief strategy for you.

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