Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stress Quiz

Wednesday 10 August, 2016.Take this simple stress quiz to find out whether you are suffering from stress.

Before you learn about the physical, mental and behavioral signs of stress, you can assess some of your own signs and symptoms of stress by completing the assessment below.

This quiz does not address all the signs of stress but will give you a warning of the range of feelings and actions that just might be telling you that you need to address your levels of stress.

Stress Quiz

Signs and Symptoms of Stress

During the last month have you:

    • Been easily irritated by people or trivial events?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Felt impatient?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Felt unable to cope?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Felt a failure?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Found it difficult to make decisions?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Lost interest in other people?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Felt you had no one to talk to about your problems?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Found it difficult to concentrate?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Failed to complete tasks before moving onto the next job, leaving jobs incomplete?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Felt neglected in any way?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Tried to do too many things at once?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Felt anxious or depressed?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Been unusually aggressive?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Felt bored?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Changed your eating, drinking, smoking patterns?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Cried or had the need to cry?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Changed your sexual activity?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Felt tired most of the time?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Suffered from any of the following more frequently? Back and neck pain, headaches, muscular aches and pains, spasms or cramps, indigestion, loss of appetite, constipation, nausea?

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time

Noticed two or more of the following? Nail biting, clenched fists, drumming fingers, grind your teeth, tap your feet, hunch your shoulders, having trouble
falling asleep or staying asleep.

a. almost never
b. sometimes
c. most of the time
d. almost all of the time


Questions 1, 5, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17 and 18

score (a) 0 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6

Questions 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 15, 19 and 20

score (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

Questions 3, 4, 12 and 13

score (a) 0 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 30


If your score in the stress quiz is over 30 then you are most likely to be suffering from dis-stress. The higher your score is to the maximum of 192, the more stress you are suffering. scores over 60 are a reason to be concerned and are a sign that you should do something about your lifestyle and levels of stress.

The message from the stress quiz?

We must all learn to listen to our bodies and be able to take notice of the messages that it is sending.

A good place to start is to go back to more information on stress and get going on your diy stress relief practice.

Go from Stress Quiz to DIY Stress Relief Home


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