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HomeFENG SHUIFeng Shui Color Chart

Feng Shui Color Chart

Thursday 21 March, 2019.

When we refer to the feng shui color chart we are generally referring to the colors associated with each life area of the bagua.

And, according to feng shui, color is one of the easiest ways to shift the energy in your space.

The way you use color will affect how comfortable you feel in your environment and also affect how others perceive you…

Imagine being able to change all that just by changing or adding particular colors to your living space?

You can get very technical about the feng shui color chart OR you can use what you need and enjoy the exercise. I like to play with color in my home until it feels right. Feng shui is very subtle and even small changes of color will have an effect…

This feng shui color chart will help you choose the best colors to create a harmonious and stress free environment in your home. A few small decorative objects in the appropriate color, or a subtle hint or touch of the color, is all that you need to bring about successful results.

The colors on the feng shui color chart also correspond to one of the five feng shui elements.


Want To Learn How To Use Color Simply and Effectively?

I can recommend this interesting course if you want to go into more depth about feng shui and color!…

Attract new opportunities, increased abundance and success
using feng shui and color to create balance and harmony in your home and life. Color can deplete, depress or enhance.
This course guides you to create a plan for home décor that honors you and supports healing, recovery and well-being.

Feng Shui Color Chart



Red is stimulating and dominant. It can be extremely vitalizing and can assist in overcoming inertia, depression, fear and melancholy. It is a great aid to those who are afraid of life and feel like escaping. Red is power. It is the color of adrenalin, fire, zest and drive. It is physical energy. It is passionate and exciting. Red supplies the energy and motivation necessary to reach goals. It is a ‘doing’ color which can actually activate activity and physical strength.
Red reduces the size of rooms and increases the size of objects. It is useful as an accent color. Red is not the best color for a bedroom, you might find it difficult to rest in this stimulating color. However, you might find that your desire for sensual excitement expands in a red bedroom. Red in a work room or exercise room, or even a living room stimulates movement and activity. It is not really suitable for dining rooms or children’s bedrooms. If you are a procrastinator or in a sluggish time in your life, paint a wall red (use a crimson, scarlet or even a hot red or rust, rather than a dark maroon or muddy red) and get ready to take off!


Yellow is associated with enlightenment and intellect, it stimulates the brain and aids digestion. It’s positive qualities are optimism, reason, organization, academic achievement, decisiveness, praise, sincerity and harmony. Its negative are craftiness, exaggeration and rigidity. thus yellow gives heightened expression and freedom. It is good for concentration and clarity of thought. it is a color that stimulates flexibility and adaptability. It is also associated with good luck!
Yellow is an excellent color to use in a home office. It is good to use in any room where you want to feel mentally uplifted and wish to stimulate conversation. Yellow kitchens tend to be gathering places for family and friends. Yellow is also a good color to use in a room where you do counselling in your home. It gets people talking and also generates a feeling of upliftment and optimism. Suitable for hallways and kitchens, but not for meditation rooms or bathrooms.



Green symbolizes growth, fertility and harmony; it is restful and refreshing. Green stimulates feelings of balance, freedom, harmony, hope, growth and healing. It is found everywhere in nature, symbolizing the replenishing forces of the universe. Green reminds us that there will always be enough. Often in hospitals the medical professionals wear green. Its negatives are envy and deceit.
This is a good color in any room. It is restful and energizing. I like to have some green in the bathroom – green towels or green plants, or even green trim or a wall. The bathroom is a room of symbolic purification and renewal so green is perfect for this room. To uplift a room introduce a bright spring green or a clear, clean leaf-green touch rather than a khaki or muddy green. Green is usually best in in therapy rooms, conservatories and bathrooms but not in family rooms, playrooms or studies.


Blue is peaceful and soothing and linked with spirituality, contemplation, mystery and patience. It stimulates you to seek inner truth. Blue helps you to attain inner peace and to live out your ideals. It allows for gentleness, contentment and composure. Its positive associations are trust, faithfulness and stability. Negatives are suspicion and melancholia. Blue has also been used for pain reduction.
A warm, light blue bedroom is good for relaxing a hyperactive child. Blue can be used in meditation rooms, bedrooms, therapy rooms and as a means of enlarging spaces. Not really suitable for family rooms, dining rooms and studies. If you suffer from a feeling of melancholy then maybe you have too much blue in your living space.


Purple encourages vitality and is impressive, dignified and spiritual. Positive associations are excitement, passion and motivation. Negatives are mournfulness and force. When a person chooses purple as a favourite color, they are usually abstract, inspired and able to tune into the inner world. Purple stimulates our spiritual perspective and intuition.
Purple is such a powerful color that I suggest using it as an accent color rather than in large amounts. It can be diluted with white to make a soft shade of lavender or lilac – this is excellent for a meditation room or a room where you want to feel healed, particularly spiritual healing. Splashes of gold or yellow is a good balance to purple. Suitable for bedrooms but not bathrooms or kitchens. Use in bedrooms and meditation rooms but not in bathrooms or kitchens.


Pink is linked with purity of thought and has the positive association of happiness and romance with no negatives. I felt as if I needed some lightness in my life and painted a wall in my garden pink. I love it!



Orange is a powerful and cheerful color. It is a happy, social color. It encourages communication and its positive qualities are happiness, concentration, confidence, optimism, self-motivation, change, striving, emotional balance and enthusiasm. Its negative is rebelliousness. Orange is good in any room where you will be having group gatherings or where people will gather to have fun and socialise. Introduce a warm pumpkin orange feature into a room where projects are being done. Use in living and dining rooms and hallways but not in small rooms or bedrooms.


Brown suggests stability and weight. Its positives are safety and elegance, while its negatives are dinginess, depression and aging. Good for studies but not for bedrooms.


White on the feng shui color chart symbolizes new beginnings, purity and innocence. Its positive qualities are cleanliness and freshness, its negatives cold, lifelessness and starkness.
White can be used successfully in any room in the house. However, an all-white room might feel too sterile – it may not seem friendly and inviting. This can be a great healing color for all rooms as its energy is transformation. You must decide what your needs are and honor those feelings when deciding what colors you want around you. Use for bathrooms and kitchens but not suitable for children’s rooms and dining rooms.


Black is mysterious and independent and is the color of dreamtime. Black focuses attention into the inner world, whether to pursue the spiritual realm or to process feelings of grief. Its positive qualities are intrigue, strength and allure, while its negatives are death, darkness and evil.
To use black as the predominant color in a room can be overwhelming and even depressing. Black room accessories, however, can bring drama and power to a room. Remember, there are no bad colors on the feng shui color chart. Each has its own special qualities and power. There may be times in your life when a mostly black room will offer you a place where you can go and incubate and be still. But generally black rooms can be difficult to live with. It is often used in teenagers rooms and in bedrooms but should not be used in young children’s rooms, therapy rooms, studies or living rooms.

What about the many different shades and hues of the colors on the feng shui color chart?

Color is very personal and individual.

A shade lighter or darker of a particular color can make a huge difference in the way that it feels to you…

The best thing to do when you are considering painting a room or introducing color to change the feel is to use your imagination. Sit quietly in the room and feel its energy. Then imagine (or sense) different colors in the room. Imagine how each color makes you feel in that particular room. I even ask the ‘spirit of the room’ what color it would like. And then consult the feng shui color chart for more ideas.

More Ways To Add Color

Stained glass is a wonderful way to bring the magic of color into your home. Hang a stained glass ornament in a window or even consider installing a stained-glass window. The power of color is magnified when the sun shines through stained glass. Consult the feng shui color chart to decide which color you need.

Colored water is another way to introduce color into a corner of your room. Decide which color you need using the feng shui color chart. Simply put a few drops of food coloring into a clear glass container of water and place it in a window in front of the light to pull the power of that color into your home!

Crystals or Prisms in your windows brings color into your space. Hang lead crystals in a sunny window and experience rainbow color in its purest, most brilliant and beautiful form. Your energy will instinctively pull out the colors it needs from the rainbow colors. Such easy DIY stress relief. Hang crystals in a child’s room for a lovely display of rainbows.

Go to our SHOP, click on ‘feng shui your home’ category and find yourself a lovely crystal!

Fabric is one of my favourite ways to add color to my home. Just draping a length of fabric in the right color over a couch or even across a wall can change the whole feel. And it is easy to remove when you have had enough.

Colored Glass is an excellent energy shifter…
Use old vases, empty bottles or any glass of the desired color according to the feng shui color chart. Put in a sunny window and watch how it catches your eye and changes your mood.

More Information About Feng Shui Color Chart

The ‘feel’ of your home can add to your stress or it can be a place to relax and revive your spirits.

  • A few simple feng shui tips can be “stress relief for your home”.
  • Not sleeping well at night? Feel like a bit more romance in your life?… have a look at feng shui bedroom tips.
  • Want to know more about how color affects your mood? Have a look at the color wheel on my color meditation page.
  • Colour for your home will give you great ideas about the energy of each colour.

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