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HomeMASSAGETummy Self-Massage

Tummy Self-Massage

10 minute stress relief exercise

Sunday 08 September, 2019.

Treat yourself to a tummy self-massage, one of best ways to manage stress. Enjoy 10 minute tummy massage for stress relief, calming and health.

The abdomen is an area where many of us store our stress and tension. The solar plexus is where we register extreme anxiety as pain or tightness or ‘butterflies in the stomach’.

Abdomen massage not only relieves tightness associated with stress, it also helps discomfort caused by problems such as indigestion or period pain, which may link to emotional stress.

It is really useful to use essential oils in a blend for your tummy self-massage. Many oils soothe pain and relieve cramps as well as easing emotional tension.

Tummy Massage Blends

Peppermint essential oil is best known for stomach pains and problems; it relieves discomfort and spasm and soothes the whole area. Here are two blends you can use for your tummy self massage. Base: 20ml/4 teaspoons sweet almond carrier oil (enough for two applications)

Soothing, calming, pain-relieving: 6 drops Lavender, 2 drops Bergamot, 2 drops sandalwood.

Soft and Soothing: 6 drops Sweet Orange, 2 drops Geranium, 2 drops Peppermint.

Tummy Self-Massage 10 Minute Exercise

  1. Take 5ml/1 teaspoon of your chosen blend into your right hand and smooth it all over your abdominal area. be sure to cover all the skin surface.tummy self massage
  2. Starting at your right hip, using your right hand, stroke up under your rib cage, down your left side and across your lower abdomen, making a complete circle. Repeat this 5 times. keep the movements slow and firm.
  3. Using both hands, starting at your sides, criss-cross your hands over the top of your abdomen, slowly, 5 times.
  4. Repeat the circling movements from step 2, using both hands together, starting at the right hip and moving up and around 5 times. Your abdomen should feel soothed and warm.

This sequence can also be given to another person. Remember, if you are massaging someone else’s tummy, your touch needs to be gentle and respectful; you concentrate on the warmth of your hands to give them maximum comfort.

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